Production of Murano Glass
fast delivery customization of products production of products on customer request
100% recyclable eco-sustainable products Siru was born in 1988.
The founder Rudy Marinotto using his technical and artistic experience brings the company to stand out in the world of lighting.
The high production flexibility is one of the peculiarities of the company because it produces models ranging from the standards in the catalogues to those designed and commissioned by designers.
Craftsmanship and attention to detail are the basis of everyday life with which the company deals with projects and commissions, even of great design interest. The use and processing of raw materials is essential for the realization of high quality glass, which color comes from the addition of minerals to the melting of the sand.
The desire to study and modify the historical processes leads the company to the continuous improvement and expansion of the textures used in the products. The expertise of the technical department is available and at the service of our customers, to help them find the best technical solution for their projects.Siru combines quality and innovative solutions to the charm transmitted by handmade objects. This quality appreciated by the designers, has consented to Siru to ensure a range of products divided into 5 catalogues to meet the design needs of its customers. In addition to offering technical advice during the design phase, both in the choice of standard products and in the development of special projects, Siru supports its customers also during the execution of the work and in the following years.Sand and minerals are our raw material, from the fusion of these we get glass. In a dedicated factory, stainless steel processing takes place, in which cages that will act as a disposable mould are produced.
Our products take shape from a stainless steel frame inside which the glass is blown. The production of blown glass is carried out according to the ancient artisan techniques of Murano.
The glass production cycle is complex and consists of four phases (mixture preparation, melting, refining, cooling to reach the processing temperature).
Once these four phases have been completed, it is possible to proceed with the processing. In order to obtain particular finishes, before blowing, the glass is sometimes inserted in a mold that imprints the texture. The glass, blown by the master glassmaker inside the stainless steel frame, inflates until it assumes the desired shape.Once this process is completed, the product is introduced into the tempering, which allows cooling avoiding breakage. Only when the glass has cooled can the following processes be carried out: cutting, grinding and drilling, depending on
Productive cycle
Il Ciclo produttivo
Full page photo / Foto a tutta pagina: Detail of the worktop /
Dettaglio del piano di lavoro.
Photo / Foto: Blowing inside the cage / Soffiatura all'interno della gabbia. EN the requirements. The blown glass in the stainless steel cage is, thus, ready to be assembled with the other components.
Over the years Siru has been able to maintain the techniques and tradition of artistic craftsmanship, adapting them to an avant-garde production.Siru in fact over the years has equipped its production line with the most modern welding robots, three-dimensional bending machines and polishing baths, innovative and technologically advanced, which make the product extremely reliable.The success factors are mainly presented by
consolidated experience, intensive research
and development, a broad commercial network
and internal markets.Siru products are appreciated all over the world,
and thanks to the five catalogues that differ
in style, the company is able to meet the different
needs of designers related to the territory.
In order to meet the needs of a diversified
clientele, Siru employs laboratories that are
prepared and ready to help designers to meet
their needs.Siru keeps updated and disseminates news
about new products/projects through the world
of Social Networks through the most famous
platforms Web


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